
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Concerns over size of the size and construction of the Whale Watching platform

Hello Everyone
Kieran has asked for some more feedback on the points that he raises below.
Can you please leave a comment below as to what you think of this.
I'll add mine in a minute.
From: kierankinney 
Subject: Re: boardwalk plans
Date: 10 May 2013 5:34:21 PM AEST
To: bodhi aldridge 

thanks very much for that Nick.

My initial reaction to this plan, though it is professional and appears attractive, is that it is an overdevelopment of the site. In launching the idea initially I was really only interested in tidying up that first area as you arrive on the site and provide a zone for people to stop ,sit and hopefully choose to go no further.This zone measures about 15m beyond the last bit of boardwalk. (lets call it the scuzzy area!) I envisaged a boardwalk and seating there.The existing plans looks great for that area! I like it very much. 

The rest of the site, should, in my mind, remain informal. This east facing bluff of the headland is actually a rather small site, very wild and wooly, I would want to retain that wildness, that essence. In short I think the plan, in its current form, is an overdevelopment of the site and rather heavy handed.

The headland is under enormous pressure from visitation...The provision of comfort seating at the 'arrival' zone will actually go a long way to reducing trampling and erosion, as many people, i believe, will choose to rest here and go no further. That is really an important consideration. 

An alternative to boardwalking large slabs of the bluff is to formalise track ways on that eastern bluff with discreet and subtle use of stone flagging... large beautiful slabs of stone (sourced locally) placed with great finesse and design into the landscape to guide people away from certain areas and help reduce the erosion and trampling of vegetation.

Dont get me wrong..I love extensive boardwalks..but this site is very small and full of subtle beauty underfoot, this will be lost i think, with such a large development.

When visiting europe many years ago i noticed the organic way old cultures have formalised ancient trackways in wild places...invariably using local stone flagging and steps.. Stunning and beautiful. Yes there are logistical issues and cost issues. I will admit that. But we can start small.

Any way... thats another discussion. I thoroughly like the plan for the first 15 metres ,then it loses me after that I'm afraid.I'd advocate limiting the boardwalk structure to that first 15m. I'm keen to hear any opinions and open up discussion if people feel strongly either way.I have included a few pics that go some way to illustrating my ideas about stone flagging. 

best wishes, kieran

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Opinion / Support Request from Cabarita Beach /Bogangar Residents' Association

Hi everyone.

I just received the message below from Suzi asking for our opinion on signage topic, plus help to gather pictures and text that would be displayed.

In my opinion I'd like one of the signs to be a map of the walking trails in the area to be on display in the Pandanus precinct. I'd also like some historical information on the village and surrounds.

Can you please respond with what topics you think would be interesting and if you are available to help design the signs?


Dear Anthony

As you know our association has received funding to design, in conjunction with Tweed Shire Council and Cabarita Dune Care, 20 signs on the Caba beach area - particularly Cabarita Hill and the park there.  6 will be large (the same size as the current Rocky Shores one) and 14 will be small A5 size.

We are seeking input (and approval) for our ideas.

I've asked Patrick about this one
One of the large ones  we thought would be valuable would explain Coastal Processes - particularly Dunes and rips.

I am asking for your opinion on this, and, if you or someone from the club would like to collaborate with us on the information gathered for the sign.

What do you Anthony and the Trails group think?

The other large ones  would be 
1. Flora in the area (including pandanus, banksia, Nodding orchid, Calitris Pines)
2. Fauna in the area (inlcuding Glossie Black cocokatoos, Microbats, Reptiles, Bandicoots, Green se Turtles, Brahminy Kite)
3. Whales (placed on the cliff top after the new boardwalk is extended.)
4. The Littoral Rainforest sign would be reproduced and we would get 2 - one for main beach entrance and one for Cabarita Hill.

The small ones would identify specific Bush Tucker plants on the track to Goanna Track.

So Anthony and group - do these topics for signs seem a good idea to you?  
We have said in our application we would liaise with groups in Caba - however we feel very happy steaming ahead with Dune Care.

Is there anyone reliable & competent you can think of who would be good to liaise with to gather pictures and wording?  

Looking forward to hearing your response. 


Suzi Bourke
Secretary CBBRA
  ph   0417349274

Cabarita Beach /Bogangar Residents' Association inc.
President: Neil Moores  Vice President: Terry Kane
Secretary: Suzi Bourke   Treasurer: Melissa Jones
Correspondence: PO 2095, Kingscliff. 2487.
Email:     Web: