Attendees: Faye, Anthony, Mike
Apologies : Luke, Ron, Elaine
I (Mike) would also apologise for the limited notice of meeting.
I have added more names from the original group of interested people
for future notices.
Discussions 1 Thank you to Ant and Luke for driving the activity of the
group over the past year.
2 Update re Whale watching platform. Community Building Grant
was successful and funds have arrived into Caba SLSC account.
TSC Rod Keevers has conducted an inspection of the site to assess the potential environmental impacts. He feels the themeda grasses impacted can be managed in the site works. Our group will be included in a further site visit/ discussion of DA.
ACTION mike to advise group of date and time of that meeting. Mike also to prepare a description of the design concept that our group had agreed upon.
3 Faye advised that Dunecare have allowed for one of the signs they are having made to be dedicated to the Whale migration information. Faye said she will ask Suzi to do a mock up of a concept and forward that to us for comment/ input.
4 Destination Tweed and TSC are collaborating on assessing Recreational Trails. Several press reports suggest Bill Tatchell and Barry Longland are key drivers for this report. ACTION mike to contact Destination Tweed .
5 Networking ACTION Ant to explore connections with Pony Club and Mountain Bike Groups . Mike to attend the CEDC meetings.
6 Refocussing. The group has been distracted by the Whale Watching Platform. Resolved to recommence the auditing of our priority trails.