
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Round Mountain

Late in August (before too many snakes had started to get active) I again ventured over Round Mountain. I really cannot recommend a trail which is safe enough for the general public. Yes I loved the adventure, many wildflowers and I scoured the slopes for a hint of track to make it easier, but nothing came easy. Rewarding vistas were readily available to the hinterland, over Cudgen Lake and over Bogangar. The Round Mountain trig point marker had been damaged and the mountain is littered with hazards in the form of fallen branches ankle twisting rocks hidden under flattened grass but thankfully no snakes. Knowing how arduous the summit climb is, I now think that we should concentrate on defining a trail to the smaller hilltop closer to the village. Judy Ros and Gary have left some marker tape leading to the smaller hill. Before we add this as a trail we hope to find the safest route. I have some pictures from both hilltops for you to compare. Apologies for the picture quality but I only took my phone this time.

Replantings on the north facing slope between the two peaks

Lake view from the smaller hill

Views to the west of the high peak

Bogangar from the high peak

Lake view from above the saddle

The sad state of the Trig Marker