
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Meeting Minutes 3 June 2012

Attached are the minutes from our first meeting 3 June 2012
(After we formed at Bowls Club 21/5??)


What are the reasons for your project (eg: development of ecotourism opportunities, community recreation)

1. promote physical activity and healthy lifestyle

2. attract visitors to the area and provide opportunities to appreciate the local environment

3. create a unique local experience through access to a wide range of natural features

4. access existing recreational trails and extend the available range through re-establishing former trails and creating new ones

5. enhance the knowledge and appreciation of local flora and fauna

6. respect areas of environmental significance and cultural sensitivity

North to Kings Forest
South to Hastings Point
West to Slip Rails Road

What are the outcomes (goals) you wish to achieve (think short, medium and long term), eg walking track from Norries Headland to Hastings Point, interpretive signage etc

Short-term (three – six months)
  • map of current trails
  • map of currently used “unofficial” trails
  • map of desired trails
  • identifying interested parties/stakeholders to maintain and develop trails (like Dune Care does a great job of)
  • identify prohibited and encouraged uses e.g. Encouraged: walking running, horses, disabled, mountain biking, canoeing, emergency
  • access, Prohibited: motorcycles
  • priorities the construction and maintenance
Medium-term (6 to 12 months)
  • trails are being implemented – maintenance and or construction work as per priorities agreed above
  • authorities consulted and relationships well established
Longer term (1 to 3 years)
  • Trail signage well-defined and displayed on trails
  • trails and natural features/fauna marketed to tourists and local community
  • visitors coming to area to use walking trail system
  • local residents regularly using trails

What is the working title of your project

Cabarita Beach/ Bogangar Integrated Recreation Trails Project (BIRT)

Step Two Initial Checklist

Does the project relate to any other key projects and if so which ones and how we coordinate projects. For example: to avoid conflict, duplication of effort, and coordinate contact the relevant agencies/Council etc?

Camp Wollumbin Group - nominate a key contact (Luke) in trails group to regularly meet with Wollumbin Group to discuss both groups work.

What agencies are you likely to need to inform of and/or involved in the project? For example NPWS, aboriginal advisory committee, LPM a, trustees, Council

  • ·       Tweed Tourism
  • ·       Tweed Council
  • ·       New South Wales Parks and Wildlife
  • ·       Friends of Cudgen Reserve
  • ·       New South Wales government planning and infrastructure Department
  • ·       Dune Care
  • ·       Bogangar Residents Association
  • ·       Bogangar school P&C
  • ·       SES
  • ·       Rural Fire Service
  • ·       Cabarita Beach Bowls Club

What will the group protocols be?
1.     Who will facilitate meetings or will this task is shared?
We will rotate the chair each meeting.

2.     Who will be the contact person for the media?
Anthony or Ash

3.     How will decisions be made and conflict/complaints be resolved?
Decisions by vote. Conflicts / complaints captured in writing and escalated to steering committee if need adjudication.
Action – Luke to clarify legal rules / association set up further.

4.     Who will take and distribute meeting notes/updates?
Rotate each meeting.

5.     Who will undertake liaison with relevant agencies?
To be decided at future meeting.

6.     How will you liaise with the steering committee and other working groups?
Luke will be responsible to liaise with steering committee and other working groups reporting back to this group.

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