- Mike
- Ron
- Elaine
- Faye
- Anthony
- Luke Porter
Purpose of Meeting
To Review progress on past actions, discuss any new issues or information and decide next steps.
Past Actions
- Locate current maps produced by NPWS "Cudgen Nature Reserve Plan of Management" - Graeme Waugh. (Complete - See images in 17 June Minutes)
- Locate Rural Fire Service Trail Maps for area - Anthony Idle (Complete - consulted local fiery and they said they use the Topographical Maps rather than dedicated maps)
- Locate Maps of areas from Tweed Shire Council - Ron Hankin (Complete - Ron found some really simple examples of Walk Guide brochures at the Tweed Council, plus copies of cycleway maps. The cycleway maps seem incomplete and really don't form a circuit. They are also only concrete / bitumen style cycleways.)
- Buy a topographical map of area - Anthony Idle (Complete - bought two copies if anyone needs to borrow / use just ask)
- Discuss location of Cudgen Lake trails with Magpie - Luke Porter (Luke is organising a meeting with Lake Precinct people and Magpie for a couple of weeks time on a Saturday morning.)
- Map out existing trails around the village - Mike Stanley (Mostly complete)
- Map the trails in the Western precinct - Luke Porter (Not sure how far have got.)
- Map the trails in the Southern Precinct - Elaine Hankin (Complete except for one along behind dunes)
- List up points of interest / significance to add to maps to ensure connection to trail network - All (Action point for all below)
- Distribute phone numbers and email addresses to start sharing information of who is doing what / when - Anthony Idle (Complete as per list)
- Create a place to share information on the web for access by team. Anthony Idle (Complete - Blog at - I will train people how to use this.)
- Attend round table meeting with Wollumbin and Envirocentre groups. (Luke to organise)
- Type up minutes from meeting. Anthony Idle (Someone else's turn next ;-)
News & Info
Lakes Precinct
- Intend to organise a joint meeting with Camp Wollumbin group shortly.
- Groups preferred date time is 10 am on 14 July. Alternative is 21st.
- Caretaker of Camp Wollumbin is Dave the Club's greenskeeper.
Western Precinct
- -
Village Precinct
- Mike reported that there is access pretty much from behind the pond between Poinciana and Penda Ct all the way north to Clothiers Creek Rd.
- Luke & Nick said there was possible funding available immediately through the Lions club if we want to do something with the trail between Pandanus Parade and Norries Headland.
- Agreed would be good to walk this trail the same day walk Camp Wollumbin trails.
Southern Precinct
- There was a great "letter to the editor" from Ash in a local paper. (Ash can you share this with us as I missed it?)
- Tweed City Council Bike trails link is here
- Kinscliff Walks and links to brochures are here
Admin / General
- There is another community group operating that has trails information.
- Community Group Steering Committee meeting tonight Tues 3 July.
Next Steps / Follow Up Actions
Lakes Precinct
- Luke Porter to organise joint meeting and walk on Lakes trails.
Western Precinct
- Luke to map western trails.
Village Precinct
- Mike to map western boundary.
- Everyone to meet together when do Camp Wollumbin & Pandanus to Norries Headland walks.
Southern Precinct
- Anthony to map the trail behind the dunes off the Goanna track.
Admin / General
- All - list up a comprehensive points of interest list and description that we can cut and paste into a brochure plus plot on maps to ensure connected to an integrated trail network.
- Anthony to add access to the blog for Faye
- Elaine to try and locate the history book relating to the Cudgen / Bogangar area via school / library network.
- Anthony to touch base with the Tweed Historical Society to see where we get info and photos for Bogangar area.
- Luke to report back from steering committee meeting what is happening with other community groups etc.
- Anthony to touch base with Kerry re attending other groups meeting.
I think that is it??
I have missed something or got it wrong just let me know and I'll change it.
Next Meeting
Sat 14 at 10 am - Meet at Camp Wollumbin (Luke to Confirm)
Ps Faye - you were already given access but have not yet accepted the invite. It might be in your spam folder. Luke do you need a new invite or want to use a different email address?
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